Creating Space Between Content Sections

Your website has preconfigured defaults for horizontal and vertical spacing between the various content regions on your site.   Although you can always assign and configure your own class attributes and then adjust settings through your public CSS file, the system contains default settings (CSS classes) that can be applied to any content element in your site.  

It's helpful to understand the CSS Box Model before you can apply spacing correctly, but to simplify things just imaging an invisible border around each content element on your site.   You can apply padding inside the border or margins outside the border to increase the space between content elements.

For example, this text element is configured with the padding class of PA4 which adds Padding to All sides of the content box and the padding that is added will be 4 times the base padding amount of 8 pixels when displayed through medium sized and larger devices.   This means 32 pixels of padding is added to each side of the box.

In this example, our text element is configured with the margin class of MA6 which adds Margin to All sides of the content box and the margin that is added will be 6 times the base padding amount of 8 pixels when displayed through medium sized and larger devices.   This means 48 pixels of margin is added to each side of the box.

Margin and/or Padding can be specified for All sides of a content box or for individual sides using Left, Right, Top or Bottom as well as opposite sides of the content box by specifying Horizontal for left and right or Vertical for top and bottom.

The amount of padding or margin is controlled by adding the value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 to your class code, so a class code of PR5 would add 5 times the base Padding amount to the Right side of the content box.

The default spacing class names are 3 characters starting with M or P for margin or padding followed by the side(s) where you need spacing A, H, V, T, R, B, or L and finally the size 0 - 9.

Keep in mind that these are only the default spacing classes.    You can still define your own custom class names as needed.

Jeannie Olson - ProEd Continuing Education Customer Support


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